The 170 instruments concert in Switzerland

Maestro Sri Chinmoy chose Interlaken in the Swiss Alps for establishing a new record concert with 170 instruments from all over the world. The performance started early in the morning with the singing of the “Invocation” and ended some eight hours later with a big Japanese drum. 700 seekers attended this special event on September 11, 2005. Length: 2:00 h dvdkv212

Sri Chinmoy’s April Celebrations 1999

136webSri Chinmoy celebrates his 35th Anniversary of being in the West. The video starts with a long meditation, continues with chanting of mantras and ends with an invitation to the St. John’s University in Queens, NY, where Sri Chinmoy was named as the “Messenger of the Millenium”. Length: 1:23 h dvdkv136

Sri Chinmoy: 31 years in the West

101webHighlights of the April Celebrations 1995: Walking meditations, several regular meditation sessions, singing the “Invocation”, Sri Chinmoy offers a book on stage, a poetry recitation, singing with harmonium and the opening ceremony of the “World Harmony Run” 1995 in Manhatten, including speeches by invited guests, a performance by singer Addwitiya Roberta Flack and Sri Chinmoy blesses the torch. Length: 1:10 h. DVD No. KV1101.

Birthday Celebrations August 1992

Sri Chinmoy plays tennis, the Omsk choir performs, Sri Chinmoy sings the “Invocation”, meditates on the “Aspiration- Ground” in Queens, NY, meets with Irina Malekowa from the Gorbachev Foundation and gives a concert on his birthday, including the performance of Avatar songs. Length: 1:32 h dvdkv073

Sri Chinmoy’s Celebrations New York 1991

The Celebrations video of 1991 brings you to the opening ceremony of the Peace Run, as the International Harmony Run first was namend. Sri Chinmoy opens the run and gives the torch to the runners from all the different continents. Narada Michael Walden introduces Addwitiya Roberta Flack, who plays and sings for the audience. Second part: Sri Chinmoy sings the “Invocation” on his “Aspiration-Ground” in Queens, NY, shows the competition racing shoes that he got as a present from Sudhahota Carl Lewis and throws the javelin behind his tennis-court. Als included is a series of beautiful birhday meditations. Length: 45 min dvdkv055